Białe plamy (White spots') focuses on the issue of the appropriation of space. The project consists of two parts, one of which is a series of collages commenting on the process of appropriation of previously undeveloped land. The collages are based on archival photoaraphs by Henryk Hermanowicz and Janusz Podlecki, who documented the process of creating the ideal city: Nowa Huta.
The second part of the project consists of photographs depicting an area of meadows in Kliny, in the south of Kraków, between the Kliny Zacisze housing estate and the 4th ring road of the city. The meadow is inhabited by animals insects and plants, some of which are protected. Although there have been attempts to protect the area for several years, much of the meadow has been developed and lost during this time.
The photos were taken in January and February 2021. In March 2021, another section of the meadows was cleared for the construction of further housing developments, so some of the land shown in the photographs is no longer there. In June 2024, the fate of the meadows remains unclear - the dispute between the council and the developer who owns part of the land is still ongoing.
Fringe exhibition 2024, fot. Aleksander Hordziej
Fringe exhibition 2024, fot. Aleksander Hordziej
Fringe exhibition 2024, fot. Aleksander Hordziej
Fringe exhibition 2024, fot. Aleksander Hordziej
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